The progression
to rust

This collection consists of 10 pieces in various sizes, each paired with a set of 2. Executed with the process towards the color of rust. The large laid-out strokes form a tranquil yet dynamic composition, capturing a beautiful serene movement. Even as a set, these works are perfectly combinable despite the contrast between day and night.

Materials: Chalk, binder, latex, spray paint, wood.
Frame: Wood | deep brown colors

– Size 1 set of 2: 42 cm x 62 cm (SOLD)
– Size 2 set of 2: 52 cm x 82 cm € 450,- a piece
– Size 3 set of 2: 62 cm x 122 cm € 750,- a piece
– Size 4 set of 2: 82 cm x 122 cm € 1100,- a piece (Dark one reserved)
– Size 5 set of 2: 60 cm x 100 cm € 850,- a piece
The works are also available individually, but they are designed as a set.

If you are interested, please feel free to get in touch.